Making a booking
Jackson Whitham
Last Update 4 jaar geleden
The booking screen is made up of four sections. Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk and are outlined in red. When a section is complete, the indicator line in the section header will turn from red to green.
Booking Requestor Details
This section tells us who is making the booking and will automatically be populated with the details you provided when you registered for your account. You should not need to make any changes to this section.
Patient Details
This section is where all patient details are entered. Please ensure accuracy with spelling and details to ensure no confusion. Billing details are also important here.
Payer Types
District Health Boards
Select the DHB that is paying for the transfer. If you are making a booking on behalf of another DHB, then you are responsible for ensuring the other DHB is aware of this and the cost.
For DHBs that require an authorisation number/payment reference, this must be entered in the authorisation number field, otherwise, you can leave it as N/A.
ACC Secondary
Enter the ACC number in the authorisation field.
ACC Accepted
Enter the case number, PO number or ACC number in the Authorisation field. No invoice will be sent to the patient or DHB.
Maternity Funded
No invoice will be sent to the patient or DHB.
Charge to the drop-off address
The account will be sent to the drop-off address.
Charge to patient address
The account will be sent to the patient’s address.
Charge to Payer Name and Address
The account will be sent to the person in the Payer Name and Payer address field.
Charge to the pick-up address
The account will be sent to the pick-up address.
Non-NZ Resident
The account will be charged at our Non-NZ Resident Rate.
Eligibility and Level of Service - Type of Service Requested
Select the type of transfer service you require. You can access a detailed list of our PTS Transfer Categories here.
Patient Mobility and Transport Mode
Select from the list the most appropriate method of transport for the patient.
Escort Details
Select from the list anyone who is travelling with the patient. This includes family members. Please ensure accuracy as we must account for each seat within the ambulance.
Specific Vehicle Request
Where approved, you may select from a drop-down list a preferred vehicle to complete the booking. Use this field to select a callsign if this is required.
Multi-load Request
If you know this patient is to travel with another patient; enter their details in this field so that the Health Transport Operations Centre can pair them up.
Special Requirements & Patient Belongings
Select from the list any special requirements that the patient needs on their journey with us. If there is a requirement not listed, then enter this into the transfer comments field or call us.
Private Residence Access Issues
Select from the list any issues that we might run into at the patient’s home or drop-off location. This gives us a good idea of if we might need another crew to assist.
Airport Transfer
Select from the list if we will meet the patient airside or landside.
Treated in Isolation
Select from the list of conditions which will mean the patient will not be multi-loaded with any other patient.
Solo Only Other
Select from the list any other reason why a patient should travel alone.
Contact Precautions Only
Select from the list so that we are aware of any contact precautions. We will still potentially multi-load these patients.
Transfer Details
This section is where you specify the pickup and destination locations. Where a location has multiple departments/wards etc, you can select from the department/floor drop down.
Please ensure any relevant notes are entered in the transfer comment field.
Booking Confirmation
On completion of your booking details and all panels are green you can select 'book' this will process and provide you a booking reference. If the requested time is not available it will propose a new time which you must accept. Forcing bookings should only happen in areas where there is an on-call arrangement. If your requested time is not available, call the Health Transport Operations Centre on 0800 876 737 to discuss.